Jiaying(Linda) Wu Profile

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Jiaying(Linda) Wu

Jiaying(Linda) Wu

Sandy Bay 塔斯马尼亚州澳大利亚




About Jiaying(Linda)

I study the Master of Professional Accounting specializing in Business Management in UTAS and will graduate in July 2020. In Tasmania, I am doing accounting internships in UTAS Tax Clinic and IF Advisory while volunteering in UN Youth as a finance officer and Hobart Uniting Community. • In IF Advisory, I was responsible for the business report. After discussing with the customer, we decided to research regional property price trends in Tasmania. Then I wrote the framework from the perspectives of demand, supply and prices. I analysed the relationships among the population, labour force, income, value of dwelling and median property prices trends in Tasmania. With the application of excel for the business analysis, I imported all relevant data into one excel document, summarized information and collated the data in the unified format. In addition, the charts were designed into several variables with two horizontal axises in the appropriate range in order to make the charts look better. Some regional property prices could not be found, so I compared all the existing regional property price trends by greater suburb with the whole Tasmanian median property price trend as the benchmark. Then the abnormal trends were found out to be analyzed.
• Duties in the UTAS Tax Clinic include administrative duties, customer service duties and handling client cases. I answered the phone, made appointments for clients, filled client records and wrote case notes. I handled client cases by researching on necessary information informed to resolve client’s issues following client’s meeting within given timeframe.
• In UN Youth which is a national youth-led charity that aims to build the people’s movement for the United Nations through the education and empowerment of young Australians, I was responsible for sending invoices by Xero to members.
• As an Emergency Relief team member in Hobart Uniting Community, I entered client data, recorded total values for utilities, bus and pharmacy daily, counted value of food vouchers and checked if equal to balance in food voucher reconciliation sheet, assisted to make the monthly reconciliation and made the spreadsheet for the budgeting project in a financial year.
Last but not least, I completed the Creative Challenge for the Sustainability of UTAS Food Revolution with other 3 students from different conutries in two days. I provided some suggestions such as building the community garden in UTAS and designed the PPT for the presentation.