Tarun Rajagopalan
About Tarun
Director and Co-owner of one of Melbourne's Premier Exclusive Events Companies Obtain Success and marketing intern at Social Star.
Obtain Success is an exclusive lifestyle events company that hosts luxurious events around Australia at an affordable price where people can look and feel their best with an unparalleled party experience.
Based in Melbourne - Australia, Social Star is a digital marketing agency, with a personal approach. We help individuals, business owners and people-driven businesses attract opportunities and referrals through creating powerful personal brands.
I am goals orientated, highly passionate about people and sales, ambitious and keeping an eye out for all the latest trends, opportunities and experiences that passes most people by.
Soon to be a Graduate from Swinburne University, completing a bachelor of Business, Majoring in Marketing, Minoring in Entrepreneurship and have spent past 3 years in hospitality and sales.
Obtain Success is an exclusive lifestyle events company that hosts luxurious events around Australia at an affordable price where people can look and feel their best with an unparalleled party experience.
Based in Melbourne - Australia, Social Star is a digital marketing agency, with a personal approach. We help individuals, business owners and people-driven businesses attract opportunities and referrals through creating powerful personal brands.
I am goals orientated, highly passionate about people and sales, ambitious and keeping an eye out for all the latest trends, opportunities and experiences that passes most people by.
Soon to be a Graduate from Swinburne University, completing a bachelor of Business, Majoring in Marketing, Minoring in Entrepreneurship and have spent past 3 years in hospitality and sales.