Madhavaraj ponraj Profile

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Madhavaraj ponraj

Madhavaraj ponraj




About Madhavaraj

Currently, I am an Engineering student studying at Deakin University, Victoria. Am specialized in electrical Renewable energy and engineering management as well. Am deeply interested in energy audit , energy management system and electrical vehicle integration in smart grid system. I did my diploma and bachelors in electrical and electronics engineering. I also work as a customer service representative at coles. With my passion towards electrical and electronics engineering and my willingness to work with teams, I always look forward to have different experiences from many peer talents. I am also focused on electrical renewable energy putting my skills and passions to good use by organisations and as well as for my professional growth as well..
The roles that i have played so for includes me working as Student organiser and treasurer in Instrument society of India (students club) , IEEE and Fill lead at coles.