Tina Vo
About Tina
Hi! My name is Tina, a future engineer (or businesswoman) with a can-do attitude ready to tackle big problems.
Composition: 20% adaptable, 25% punctual, 50% friendly, 5% bubble tea.
I love helping others, innovative technologies, ethical conduct in biomedical fields, the concept of connected healthcare and dogs. Based on my interests, I had tossed up between choosing engineering or veterinary science but ultimately decided to go with engineering and pat every dog that comes my way.
My study in BE has taught me to critically analyse and work together to consider the impacts of each design decision made and to ensure that stakeholder needs are met. I believe this can translate well into a work environment with teams and projects to understand the project requirements.
I have experience in retail, project design and user interface but I am always willing to learn more and expand beyond my knowledge. Contact me for anything!
I love helping others, innovative technologies, ethical conduct in biomedical fields, the concept of connected healthcare and dogs. Based on my interests, I had tossed up between choosing engineering or veterinary science but ultimately decided to go with engineering and pat every dog that comes my way.
My study in BE has taught me to critically analyse and work together to consider the impacts of each design decision made and to ensure that stakeholder needs are met. I believe this can translate well into a work environment with teams and projects to understand the project requirements.
I have experience in retail, project design and user interface but I am always willing to learn more and expand beyond my knowledge. Contact me for anything!