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Micaela De luca

Micaela De luca

Melbourne VIC, Australia




About Micaela

I am a qualified industrial engineer with a diploma in lean-six sigma green belt and in 2017 I decided to continue my studies doing a Master of Business Administration in Australia. My career highlights include 4 years demonstrated data and process analyst with a very good understanding of continuous improvement tools using lean-six sigma techniques. My strengths lay in my ability to evaluate business processes as a whole, select and prioritise focus areas, and develop and implement affordable solutions. I also have a strong background in certifications to assure business operations are conducted in a manner that achieves and maintains ISO 9001 and ISO 14001. Throughout 3 years living abroad, I have gotten a better understanding of the passion needed to drive change and the positivism required to adjust our perception about life, helping us to become more engaged, creative, and resilient.


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