Aaron O'Farrell Profile

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Aaron O'Farrell

Aaron O'Farrell

Melbourne VIC, Australia




About Aaron

Aaron O'Farrell amurphyofarrell@gmail.com 0433 715985
My name is Aaron O'Farrell and I'm from Dublin, Ireland. I am a writer with experience as a ghostwriter for a major publishing house (Penguin UK). I have ghostwritten a self-published autobiography for an Irish man, and I have also had my writing feature in literary anthologies, major UK and Irish online and print magazines, and I have written copy for the websites of independent Irish clothing companies. For my personal enjoyment, I keep a humourous blog at: https://aaron500.home.blog/ I also have experience in scriptwriting, videography and video directing. I have been very involved in amateur dramatic societies for many years in Ireland and I have performed at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival. I have a BA in English and Film Studies, and a MA in Creative Writing. In my spare time I love to watch sports, particularly the English Premier League, the Irish rugby team, and Irish G.A.A. I also love to read. My favourite type of books are non-fiction, biographies (particularly of Oscar Wilde), as well as horror stories. I have made two Youtube videos about Oscar Wilde's life (What Did Oscar Wilde's Voice Sound Like? and The Truth About What Oscar Wilde Looked Like.) Both videos have an almost combined 200,000 views. I also love dogs of any kind and spend most of my evenings cooking new recipes, another favourite hobby of mine.


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