Jasmine Malki
About Jasmine
Grattan Institute is dedicated to developing high quality public policy for Australia’s future. It was formed in 2008 in response to a widespread view in government and business that Australia needed a non-partisan think tank providing independent, rigorous and practical solutions to some of the country’s most pressing problems.
These three words are vital to Grattan’s mission. We are independent, taking the perspective of the Australian public interest rather than any interest group. We receive no ongoing government funding and reject commissioned work to ensure this independence. We are rigorous in obtaining the best available evidence from our own data analysis and from published work. And we are practical in articulating what governments should do to improve the lives of all Australians.
These three words are vital to Grattan’s mission. We are independent, taking the perspective of the Australian public interest rather than any interest group. We receive no ongoing government funding and reject commissioned work to ensure this independence. We are rigorous in obtaining the best available evidence from our own data analysis and from published work. And we are practical in articulating what governments should do to improve the lives of all Australians.