Judith Baeta
About Judith
The National Innovation Games is a series of 30 innovation challenges to be held in every state and territory across the country in an effort to bring together over 4,500 people including: emerging talent and academics from universities and TAFEs; small and medium businesses; corporations and their employees; academics; and the Australian Government to solve some of the greatest challenges facing Australia and kick start a national inclusive innovation culture.
Following the Paddl Games model by Paddl Co., these are unique experiences designed to create a real workplace experience for emerging talent and facilitate innovation projects for businesses while providing amazing outcomes for existing and potential employees. Together, 150 participants take on an Innovation Challenge to impact the growth, success and employment opportunities of businesses in Australia.
After the successful launch of the National Innovation Games by The Hon. Karen Andrews MP, Minister for Industry, Science & Technology on the Gold Coast QLD, we are very excited to announce our next Challenge in Hobart, TAS with the support of MyState Bank as Challenge Day Partner, the Australian Government, COSBOA and Paddl Co.
MyState Bank is the largest Tasmanian-owned financial institution, with strong roots in the Tasmanian community. At MyState Bank, we strive to do the kind of things we believe other banks should be doing.
Following the Paddl Games model by Paddl Co., these are unique experiences designed to create a real workplace experience for emerging talent and facilitate innovation projects for businesses while providing amazing outcomes for existing and potential employees. Together, 150 participants take on an Innovation Challenge to impact the growth, success and employment opportunities of businesses in Australia.
After the successful launch of the National Innovation Games by The Hon. Karen Andrews MP, Minister for Industry, Science & Technology on the Gold Coast QLD, we are very excited to announce our next Challenge in Hobart, TAS with the support of MyState Bank as Challenge Day Partner, the Australian Government, COSBOA and Paddl Co.
MyState Bank is the largest Tasmanian-owned financial institution, with strong roots in the Tasmanian community. At MyState Bank, we strive to do the kind of things we believe other banks should be doing.