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Jason Han

Jason Han




About Jason

I' m a third year engineering student pursuing a bachelor degree of civil and structural engineering seeking to find an opportunity that can get me first hand experience as to the work environment of a site engineer especially in infrastructure industry. I just finished my business consulting project with Practera and SA business. I worked in a team as team leader with other team members and an allocated mentor, towards delivering a conceptual product of a local businesse to our client. I worked full time for three months during uni break with SA aviation museum in conjunction with a local mechanic shop for the restoration of the components of aircraft with 3D CAD design(CATIA), and will come back for assistance of airfield building when next uni break comes I' m aiming to develop my professional skills(soft skills/hard skills) in a comprehensive way, I' m always good at analysing things and give them a unique point of view from my own perspective and can always find what others good at and try to apply those skills onto myself and the real world problem. I have a great passionate towards working under teaming settings towards the completion of a project. I'm aiming to become a engineering project manager within the engineering community and play an motivator role in building a sustainable community into the future.