Elise Profile

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Melbourne VIC, Australia




About Elise

After excelling in Commerce, Maths, and English during Year 12, I realised I wanted to study a business degree, majoring in small business accounting and marketing. By doing my own research, talking to our course representatives and visiting the UTS Open Day, I felt comfortable on campus and confident that UTS was going to offer the best career path in business for me.
During my degree completion, I worked as an undergraduate in a small chartered accounting firm, so I quickly learned to balance my workload with my study. My work at the Firm lead me to a career path in accounting, I took a side step to work at PwC in business modelling, and this provided valuable skills in Excel, and improved my understanding of Merger and Acquisition Deals. This specialised work is not something I enjoyed, so I moved back into the Chartered space, working in accounting and taxation in the small business space, and became a Business Services Manager. After having two children, I then started my own online accounting practice. I am now working for various small business clients in the Tech Startup Space. It is very specialised work, the Tech Startup Space is fast-paced, the need to pivot financial planning is paramount, and I have gained a huge amount of experience in financial planning in the current climate.
Looking to the future, I hope to become a CFO in these organisations as they grow. My broad life experience and studies have equipped me with the skills and knowledge required to make a difference in the lives of these businesses, who need it most right now.


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