Amanda Patricia Viray Profile

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Amanda Patricia Viray

Amanda Patricia Viray

Newcastle NSW, Australia




About Amanda

Bridging the gap between creativity and technology is what captivates me. In a world where technologies advances rapidly, it can be difficult for creatives and programmers to connect their ideas. My purpose is to communicate art and code without taking away the artistic vision or go beyond the technical limits of the platform. Additionally, I am an compassionate advocate for digital equality who desires to reconnect digital divide in my home country, the Philippines.
As a passionate IT full-time student, at the University of Newcastle, I am well-known for my excellent commitment on academic achievement, teamwork with leadership, and determination. To pursue my aim, I solve problems critically, enthusiastically collaborate with multidisciplinary, multicultural teams, constantly self-motivated to learn, and persevere during adversity. I enjoy interacting with new people and hear different views.
Feel free to contact me about art, emerging tech, programming, or manga.
Skills/Interests Programming | Human-Computer Interaction | Interactive & Interface Design | 3D visualisers and modellers | Web Design and Development | Digital Media Arts | Experimental & Tangible Interaction Design | Physical Computing | Games Design | UX/UI Design


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