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Wendy Wong

Wendy Wong




About Wendy

I am a Weekend remote Editor for Towards Data Science, reporting analyst for Allianz and studying analytics and data science. I can code in R, Python and SQL. I studied Editing and Publishing at University of Technology, Sydney/
Wendy is an analytics and finance professional connecting business understanding and technical teams to analytics and building customer solutions using machine learning and data science. She consulted for recruitment start-up Jobgetter providing NLP insights in 2017. With 12 year's experience in banking and finance and 5 year's in analytics and data science.
She works as a Data Analyst and Data Science Intern in agile project management at the ATO on an industry scholarship and is a Reporting Analyst at Allianz Australia with experience across diverse teams and industries including banking, financial services, digital marketing, start-up, Government and general insurance. I am on of the editors of Towards Data Science.
🎓General Assembly Alumni in Data Science and Data Analytics and Master's of Data Science candidate at University of Technology, Sydney.
Skills: 📊Tableau, Qlik & PowerBI 👩🏻‍💻 Excel, SQL, R & Python
Github: https://github.com/wendy-wong Email: wendy.wong-1@student.uts.edu.au
Twitter: abcwendsss https://medium.com/@wendywong7 https://towardsdatascience.com/