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Timsy Gupta

Timsy Gupta




About Timsy

I am 2 weeks away from finishing my masters.
Also at present, I am working as a Student Rover/Mentor at Victoria University Library, helping students of varied backgrounds as an academic support and a library assistant, facilitating them with library resources and providing them all suitable information regarding current academic programs.
In addition, I have also worked at Victoria University Student Services Centre, answering student queries and providing instant solutions to both current and new students issues in terms of enrolment, courses, fee payment etc. following the KPI set for Student Services Team.
Both the roles mentioned are highly inclined towards meeting target and keeping the record of queries and updating it in system for data analysing purposes using softwares such as Oracle RightNow CRM, SAP CRM, in addition, to Microsoft Office Suit. Also, the roles gave an extensive exposure in interacting with students of varied backgrounds and understand their problems and providing the best solution available.