Parth Singh
About Parth
I have been working as an e-commerce developer at a non-for-profit organization Mahboba’s Promise for past 4 months. I am responsible for maintaining the organization’s website, developing the ecommerce platform and working in close relation with marketing and communications team. I have previously worked as an administrative assistant at an accounting firm (Tax Refund On Spot) and gained the experience of office duties. Being a 3rd year student at UTS, I am well acquainted with all the requirements for position and I am willing to learn anything new presented in to me. I work quite well independently and cohesively in a team as well. I have also worked in Tune India Radio, giving back end technical help while also working and maintaining the radio’s website ( Also, I successfully did a Competitor Analysis Course with Upstart Academy through which I got to learn a lot about concepts of Social and Digital Media Marketing. I am now aiming for even better work opportunities for my career while doing my bachelors.