Saravanakumaran A Profile

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Saravanakumaran A

Saravanakumaran A




About Saravanakumaran

I am a graduate from Swinburne University with a Master of Information Systems Management. I have a post graduate diploma in management (marketing and retail) and a bachelors in engineering to my qualifications. I have varied work experience in the IT, media, retail and telecom industries stretching over 10 years. I am curious about the psychological aspects of human behaviour and enjoy working with people with varied interests. I have managed projects with optimum resource and budget utilisation. In my free time, I volunteer with charity, not for profit and sporting events and other communities (Climate for change, Vision Australia, SME360, Bicycle Network and the like).
Aspiring to become a data analyst in the near future and study consumer behaviour & interests and use my research and analytical skills to innovate trends in IT, Retail and Travel industries.