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Mankanwal Sidhu

Mankanwal Sidhu




About Mankanwal

I am a recent graduate of Masters in Information Technology specialising in Business Information Systems from Swinburne University of Technology who is actively looking for a career in Business Analytics and Digital Marketing. I have worked on Academic projects in the last semester of my University where i acquired skills essential to become a Business Analyst.I have worked on Networking Exam Management System Project in which i worked as a Business Analyst with a team of programmers . I have a passion for Business analysis and documentation, expertise in coordinating and communication with the client, requirements gathering. I am currently seeking a position where I can use my skills to translate stakeholder requirements into tangible deliverable s. If you have any internship program or a project, please feel free to contact me.
SKILLS: proficiency in modelling techniques(Soft Systems Methodology), Knowledge of ITIL an COBIT frameworks, Requirement Analysis, documentation and Project planning, Business Intelligence skills, Data Analytics
Web designing technologies(HTML 5, CSS3, JavaScript, J query, Bootstrap, WordPress) Digital Marketing- (SEO, Google Analytics, Facebook Marketing, Twitter Marketing)